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Monday, May 17, 2010

Societies definition of Mental Illness = CRAZY

What is Societies definition of Mental Illness = CRAZY  And I am here to tell you WRONG!  Just like illness such as cancer or heart conditions there are different types of mental illnesses as well as varying degrees of severity and also within each type of illness.  But to society, just the very mention of the word mental illness means you are crazy, period.  No one cares about the details, no one dares to ask you, no one wants to know.  They would just rather assume you are crazy, when in reality, nothing could be further from the truth.

Take Bipolar for instance, which is the condition I have and I assure you, I am NOT crazy.  "Psychiatrists, realizing a connection greater than coincidence, have performed studies all over the world in an attempt to establish a link between bipolar disorder and creativity" "One common feature in mania or hypo mania is the increase in unusually creative thinking and productivity."  Does that sound like a crazy person?  Now this particular excerpt sounds like me, "The only way bipolar patients can survive their depressed phases, oftentimes, is to unleash their despondency through some creative work".  This is exactly what I do and do it often if and when needed.  It is such a great therapy. 

My point is, once again, fighting the stigma.  Trying to ease people's minds.  Those of us with mental illness are NOT crazy, we just have extra special personalities with extra heightened and/or sensitive personalities, emotions and feelings which when we are regulated on medications are perfectly fine.  We just have to give ourselves some fine tuning every now and then along with a swift kick in the butt.  We also have to surround ourselves with the right type of people.  But as far as you go, don't be scared, don't assume, don't think we're crazy or any less of a person than you are because we are not.  That is just insulting to us.  If you have questions, then PLEASE ask.  It is the only way you'll ever know.

1 comment:

Mommy Moment said...

This is why we do a once a month feature on our blog called the Mental Health Moment!
Let's get rid of the stigma!!!!
